When a visitor-bather comes in contact with the spring water at the spa centers, the mechanisms that are activated and contribute to treatment are:
The mechanical stimulus may be in different forms eg hydro-massage, kneading, rubbing, etc.
The mechanical factor causes changes in the body, such as changes in blood flow, and thus affects the mechanism of thermoregulation.
The thermal environment of the bath has different properties from those of the atmospheric environment.
The body thermoregulation in the bath is different than in the air. The temperature lead to an increase in energy, and activates thermoregulating mechanisms dilates surface blood vessels enough and increases the perfusion of the skin resulting in better skin blood flow. The temperature increase of the muscle results in easier and stronger contraction of them. As the pain is alleviated the bather can move with greater ease and increase the range of motion of stiff joints.
The rate of entry into the skin depends on their concentration in the water, the water’s pH, the length of the bath, the temperature, the condition of the skin and the whole body. The various substances prefer to be stored in specific organs of the body eg iodine in the thyroid, the bromine in some parts of the brain, the iron in the red blood cells, the carbon dioxide in the liver, etc.
During the bathing physicists, physical, chemical and mechanical agents are engaging some form of body reflex physiotherapeutic treatment, with the ultimate goal being to achieve the final therapeutic effect.
Μechanical Αction
In a group or individual baths, the body receives the impact of two mechanical factors, buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure. The buoyancy causes decrease in body weight and therefore relaxation occurs. At the same time ease of joint movement is generated and the pressure is distributed evenly throughout the body.The mechanical stimulus may be in different forms eg hydro-massage, kneading, rubbing, etc.
The mechanical factor causes changes in the body, such as changes in blood flow, and thus affects the mechanism of thermoregulation.
Thermal action
The thermal stimulus occurs when the water temperature is above or below the skin temperature.The thermal environment of the bath has different properties from those of the atmospheric environment.
The body thermoregulation in the bath is different than in the air. The temperature lead to an increase in energy, and activates thermoregulating mechanisms dilates surface blood vessels enough and increases the perfusion of the skin resulting in better skin blood flow. The temperature increase of the muscle results in easier and stronger contraction of them. As the pain is alleviated the bather can move with greater ease and increase the range of motion of stiff joints.
Chemical action
The chemical stimulus is created when the dissolved components of the metal-spring water get on the skin of the bather or penetrate inside the skin, where they exert their pharmacodynamic action.The rate of entry into the skin depends on their concentration in the water, the water’s pH, the length of the bath, the temperature, the condition of the skin and the whole body. The various substances prefer to be stored in specific organs of the body eg iodine in the thyroid, the bromine in some parts of the brain, the iron in the red blood cells, the carbon dioxide in the liver, etc.
During the bathing physicists, physical, chemical and mechanical agents are engaging some form of body reflex physiotherapeutic treatment, with the ultimate goal being to achieve the final therapeutic effect.